In the last 5 to 10 years everything seems to suck: product’s and services quality plummeted, everything from homes to cars to food became really expensive, technology stopped to help us to be something designed to f@ck with us and our money, nobody seems to be able to hold a job anymore, everyone is broke. Life seems worse in general.
Why? Did COVID made this happen? How?
Because corporate greed and the economic elite around the world hoarding more resources than ever before.
And we let them.
We don’t just let them, we cheer them on. Look at the celebrity worship culture we humans have. If you took away the person and left only their actions, most of us would happily throw the rich into a woodchipper. But they use their money to convince us that they’re special and deserve praise, and most of us go along with it because we’re sheep.
Pioneer woman.
She’s got a huge ranch a huge house a specialty made kitchen just for her show… works super hard to look blue collar.
It’s all crafted to separate you from your money…
Capitalism, etc.
Leaded gasoline.
People elect Conservatives. Don’t elect Conservatives. They want to make the world shit.
Conservatives such as Joe Biden. It’s all the same scam, stop falling for it
Hang in there kitty.
Anybody who disrupts capitalism should be punished. We’ve done it before and we gotta do it again.
The whole point of capitalism is self determination. Not to dominate the world, we’re not anarchists. But these criminals are pulling massive amounts of money out of the economy and that’s not acceptable.