So, get this. Yesterday night I broke my foot by dropping something real heavy on it. I knew something was slightly wrong, and I went to the local ER here to get it checked out. Broke my foot in 3 places, refused a cast (I’m into drumming again) and they reluctantly sent me on my way.

I’ve been dealing with a slight case of glass bones for the past 5 years now, it sounds dramatic, but it’s just very, very low bone density. Broke my hand this year, broke 3 of my ribs this year, just by random silly accidents, and I just got a phone call from the hospital because apparently my pain charts are so underwhelming, they want to do a full check up and brain scan.

Broken foot on a scale of 1-10? 1. I actually tried drumming again today. Broken hand? 2. Ribs were sort of really annoying, I gave them a 4. The latter was supposed to be at least 8 according to them.

Now they want to know if I’m just used to a hell lot of pain or if there is a malfunction in my brain. I am actually curious.

Bit of a background: I broke so many of my bones in the years before I got ill. Used to skate a lot, did lots of self defense classes, so, even I wonder now what the heck is going on. ^^

AMA, btw. ^^

    22 hours ago

    Ah dang. The movie Unbreakable has Samuel L. Jackson as a character with similarly fragile bones who goes by Mr. Glass.

        22 hours ago

        Make sure you watch the whole trilogy. Unbreakable, Split, and Glass. The first one introduces you to the main villain and hero, Split introduces you to someone I would only classify as “chaotic evil”. Glass has the main hero facing off against the chaotic evil. Not a bad little “grounded” supe trilogy.

          10 hours ago

          Glass is one of the best origin stories for that series. I saw Split in theaters and I ended up watching Unbreakable after for context. Glass made me want it to never end. M. Night Shyamalan never disappoints.