After being harassed in multiple discord channels by powermod FlyingSquid the news mod blackbeard has shuttered his account and moved to bluesky.

"The recklessness with which people downvote polite disagreements reminds me of all the worst parts of Reddit, and it proves to me that this isn’t the social media savior I’d hoped it would be, and is instead just another echo chamber. I hope eventually (and the fediverse more broadly) can grow out of that, but some of the behavior I’ve seen on the inside from both mods and admins doesn’t really inspire much confidence for that kind of evolution in the short term. "

FlyingSquid is the same mod who has the power to siteban people from

Why does keep having issues with their powermods and admins? Why do powermods get the ability to siteban their enemies from the largest instance?

  • Eugene V. Debs'
    4 months ago

    FS is annoying and thinks every single time someone disagrees with them, its a personal attack and they must be aligned to some power.

    Literally anytime someone used to just lightly criticize their favorite thing or person, FS would write blocks of text explaining why that opinion or fact was unjustified, and if you continued, you got banned.

    FS is annoying and acts like they are better for just random things. Literally recently they said they’re trying to leave the United States, and acting like its a noble sacrifice to leave the queer and BIPOC they once “defended and care about” behind. Said “Maybe I’ll give some GoFundMes, I don’t care.”