this post has been making the rounds on Mastodon, for good reason. it’s nominally a post about the governance and community around C++, but (without spoiling too much) it’s written as a journey packed with cathartic sneers at a number of topics and people we’ve covered here before. as a quick preview, tell me this isn’t relatable:

This is not a feel good post, and to even call it a rant would be dismissive of the absolute unending fury I am currently living through as 8+ years of absolute fucking horseshit in the C++ space comes to fruition, and if I don’t write this all as one entire post, I’m going to physically fucking explode.

fucking masterful

an important moderator note for anyone who comes here looking to tone police in the spirit of the Tech Industry Blog Social Compact: lol

    4 months ago

    I feel like you’re missing an important piece of context. The “nobody reads the article” joke works (when it works) because it’s both a known common behavior and one that creates incredibly obvious problems and makes people look silly. Apologies that it was your turn to take that L last week, I guess?

    A fair chunk of this also comes down to community norms. On it’s not really an expectation that the top level post includes a summary instead of just some choice quotes or a reaction, because the expectation is that the thing being shared is worth reading in full so of course you’re going to do that if you have time. Hell a lot of our members are sometimes sharing either their own longer-form work or that of people they know personally and it’d be rude to act like following the link and reading the thing isn’t worth doing. I’m not arrogant enough to say I always read the link before commenting, but unless I’m making a bad pun off of another comment or otherwise shitposting I usually do, and it’s kind of baffling to have someone actively defend doing otherwise.

    And yes, when someone uses the phrase “my dude” you can assume they’re at least 65% taking the piss.