And speaking of electronic ass-monitoring, I’m reminded of this gem from 10 years ago:
So little has changed since then!
The future as predicted by people who are completely addicted to computers.
Yes officer this smart device idea right here:
If the baby has trouble latching, maybe the sticker’s capacitive touch sensors could help the parent find a better position.
I seriously wonder, do any of the folks with the “AR glasses to assist repair” thing ever actually repair anything, or do they get their ideas of how you repair stuff from computer games?
Isn’t that one of the enterprise cases where it’s actually been used?
Having schematics directly overlayed onto something I’m working on seems pretty helpful to me.
have you ever done any kind of fine-detail repair on anything? electronics, something with tiny screws, fixing paint on a decal… anything like that?
minority report floating holograms sure might be useful for this, “random-ass non specialised hardware shoved on your face” is decidedly more of a diceroll
I think he means repairs like washing machines, cars etc. It’s all very well looking up videos or pics of how to repair stuff, but often the video isn’t clear or fine quality enough
An overlaid graphic on whatever you were repairing would be fucking amazing for some of the stuff I do
yeah, tell me again how you’re going to be fucking around the inside of a washing machine with a goddamn apple vision pro strapped to your face
You realize it’s a dev kit? The obvious end goal is to get tech to the point that you can wear them as glasses.
Ah yes, Glasshole SDK, I’ve heard of that before
@froztbyte @Mr_Blott new Pornhub category just dropped
she’s calling a“baby handler”—picture an exoskeleton crossed with a car seat. It’s a late-night soothing machine that rocks, supplies pre-pumped breast milk, and maybe offers a bidet-like “cleaning and drying situation.”For your children, perhaps, this is their first experience of being close to a machine.
Ah yes, famously the worst part of having children: touching them. Urgh. At least we can be pretty certain that this sort of thing will have no negative psychological impacts on babies and young children, who are famously disinterested in their parents, and neglect isn’t a thing!
Or, once the baby arrives, in nipple stickers that nursing parents could apply to track biofluid exchange. If the baby has trouble latching, maybe the sticker’s capacitive touch sensors could help the parent find a better position.
Do you know what the worst thing about breast feeding is? It is hard to monetise! Women just excrete milk! For free! Anyway, what if we could interpose a disposable data-harvesting device into the process, maybe on a subscription basis?
i see no way to come up with this inane horseshit other than assuming that thousands of artificial wombs will be shipped in container next tuesday
Do you know what the worst thing about breast feeding is? It is hard to monetise! Women just excrete milk! For free! Anyway, what if we could interpose a disposable data-harvesting device into the process, maybe on a subscription basis?
Almost sociopathic enough to get hired by Nestle.