Direct quote: "We are expecting another hurricane hitting,” he added. “We do not have the funds. FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season and what — what is imminent.”
“dO sOmEtHinG aBoUt ThE mIgRaNt CrIsiS”
ok - spend money on the crisis
“oMg YoU sPeNt AlL tHe MoNeY oN MiGrAnTs”
When we said “Do something “ what we meant was “Fund the police to brutalise them and restrict their rights!”
How was that not clear?!
I wasn’t aware that they had the right to invade, silly me!
I’m sure there’s plenty you aren’t aware of.
TIL “free flights and hotel rooms” help us fight the immigration crisis
How was that money spent? On sending trucks to bulldoze over border barriers?
Or maybe flying illegals into the country?
Or paying for their food or medical care?
Yeah, that’ll fix the migrant crisis! Keep on doing what hasn’t been working already, that should do it!
Once again, the preppers are gonna make it. I don’t have to wait for the government to feed me or whatever. Unless we are wiped out while sleeping, we are prepared. Food, water purification, fuel and means of protection should be a must for every able person.