In the 90s I watched something and there was a woman that was becoming a fairly competent go cart racer, she quit cause the men she was competing against couldn’t stand “losing to a girl” and got quite nasty about. This won’t be a credible source though, will it?
Of course not. Especially with supportive people like you
Since we are talking about the real world; did you deliberately omit the fact that men playing video-games are called pathetic & deadbeat losers regardless of whether they’re champions or not ?
Take your mask off and see what happens, incel. It’s always the same fucking formula, go and whine about your own tiny little insecurities every single time anything about women’s experience is highlighted.
You’d find something between your ribs irl real quick if you took off your mask around the people in your life and they found out how incapable you are of even reading about half the population of the Earth’s perspective without self inserting your pathetic insecurities.
So no citations & only a mere opinion ? So it’s clear as day then. It’s a misandric hit-piece (off course it’s from BBC)
There are SO many sources on this it’s obvious you didn’t even bother to look.
Here’s the paper
Maybe do some research for once in your life?
What are you talking about? The BBC article references the research paper directly?
Oh I probably disable JS then, I apologize
About Evo-Psych, you probably should see this then
WTF? Go and spend a day in the big wide world.
In the 90s I watched something and there was a woman that was becoming a fairly competent go cart racer, she quit cause the men she was competing against couldn’t stand “losing to a girl” and got quite nasty about. This won’t be a credible source though, will it?
Of course not. Especially with supportive people like you
Since we are talking about the real world; did you deliberately omit the fact that men playing video-games are called pathetic & deadbeat losers regardless of whether they’re champions or not ?
You’ll need an audience with a much larger inferiority complex if you want that sort of claim to resonate.
Why should one need an audience for that claim, when the evidence is right there on the internet & IRL
So that makes it okay to shit on women in games? Go cope elsewhere, incel.
Men get shat on as well but, I guess we are n9t going to address that huh, if you’re going to virtue-signal as an Egalitarian, then act the part
& ah the incel slur, what are you ?? A sex-obsessed creep ?
Should I be worried about your mental well-being ?
Take your mask off and see what happens, incel. It’s always the same fucking formula, go and whine about your own tiny little insecurities every single time anything about women’s experience is highlighted.
You’d find something between your ribs irl real quick if you took off your mask around the people in your life and they found out how incapable you are of even reading about half the population of the Earth’s perspective without self inserting your pathetic insecurities.
Just seen your edit. Before I answer this question, are you seriously asking to be judged fairly after judging others unfairly?