• sumguyonline@lemmy.world
    24 days ago

    This is actually a lie perpetuated by the Wiccan Cultists (the Rape cult yes). They demonize men in order to get stupid women on their side, since anyone capable of earning a bachelors degree would only join them for power grabs, they simply applied to the lowest common denominator. If what this statement was saying is true, then domestic abuse rates would be higher under religion. It’s not, it’s about average for society, so religion has very little bearing on how stupid women are treated, it’s actually all about them just being too stupid to change a tire, but somehow still allowed to vote. They think they’re entitled to their brain dead actions, and I despise every last one of you(Wiccan rape cult and supporters). I look forward to dragging you in front of everyone for your trials.

    • maniclucky@lemmy.world
      24 days ago

      Congrats you’ve fallen into a common stats trap!

      You can’t know what the average is for the hypothetical society to which you are comparing despite that being the optimal way to compare. If you were to actually attempt this comparison, you would take two comparable societies that differ only in religious adherence, controlling for non religious cultural things (hint: you can’t separate those easily if at all). And even if you did manage that, you’ve only shown correlation, not causation. Proving the latter is much harder.

      If it sounds like I’m agreeing with you, I’m not! I’m saying you cannot know one way or another. But your inane, tautological statement of “the average domestic abuse rates for society are about average” drove me to inform others of how terrible this argument is. You’re clearly a lost cause.

      If you want to prove your point, don’t try stats, you’re bad at it. Go for a logical argument, though I suspect you’re bad at that too.