While this linear model’s overall predictive accuracy barely outperformed random guessing,
I was tempted to write this up for Pivot but fuck giving that blog any sort of publicity.
the rest of the site is a stupendous assortment of a very small field of focus that made this ideal for sneerclub and not just techtakes
Is this some sort of bait or is he really expecting this to help in whatever way it is he imagines this would help?
Could be an SSC type situation: you write an interminable pretend research post in a superficially serious manner on an obviously flawed premise and let the algorithm help it find its audience of mostly people who won’t read it but will be left with the impression that the premise is at least defensible.
This will be made considerably easier once siskind puts it in his regular link roundup with a cheeky comment about how he doesn’t really truly endorse this sort of thing.
Really wonder if his own pictures are included in the training set (as negative examples, of course)
Yeah including people you dont like ‘accidentally’ is a big risk. Also per definition the data only includes known/convicted pedos.
Oh, third option, he really wants to do phrenology and he figures if he does it on paedos no one will mind
what is wrong with you