Those usually are the worst. I still remember the 90’s a (very) religious guy brings in his VCR… “Yesterday after church I was going to watch a bit of TV but the tape got stuck” We fixed it and watched a bit. I wasn’t that blue, but it was some serious porn. Around the same time a friend worked at mail distribution, Most copies of playboy went to the bible belt.
Well they’re so conservative there already was some talk about banning PH in some states.
Those usually are the worst. I still remember the 90’s a (very) religious guy brings in his VCR… “Yesterday after church I was going to watch a bit of TV but the tape got stuck” We fixed it and watched a bit. I wasn’t that blue, but it was some serious porn. Around the same time a friend worked at mail distribution, Most copies of playboy went to the bible belt.
I believe Florida has to use a VPN but that was because you had to give PH your ID. Pornhub said yeah no we are not tagging people at the door.
Conservative demographics consume more porn. That will only back fire.
There will be plenty of kids for them to rape now that they’re halting abortions as well.