Nowadays programming in a programming language I don’t use daily seems to always require an upgrade cascade of editors, tools, plugins, dependencies, libraries, my DNA, ??? I put some effort into keeping my environment static but all it takes is one autoupgrading thing I missed to kick off one of these cascades, and it feels like whack-a-mole trying to find and lock down every possible cause. This time it looks like a newer version of scala
might have stopped supporting Java 11 and somehow got updated without my knowledge (maybe? I’m guessing).
P.S. This is not an invitation to post critiques about any of these technologies or recommendations about what I should be doing instead.
#scala #dev #tech #SoftwareDevelopment #coding #programming Thank you. It sounds like a reasonable way to go. In my case I’m using Sublime Text, and it picks up which JVM to use from the user environment.