In the AOL days, I got on newsgroups and hunted songs. Good luck finding what you wanted. Then I’d download 6-12 pieces and use software to tack those pieces into a single MP3. At 56K. (Really 53K, at best, and that was with tweaking modem strings and whatnot.)
I just rip my songs from Spotify. It’s not the highest quality, but it’s easy to find stuff and I wrote a little script to quickly download lists of tracks and albums so it’s pretty convenient.
Feel like it’s too arduous to pirate music these days
edit: Thank you guys for all the suggestions
Arduous?! Why you little…
In the AOL days, I got on newsgroups and hunted songs. Good luck finding what you wanted. Then I’d download 6-12 pieces and use software to tack those pieces into a single MP3. At 56K. (Really 53K, at best, and that was with tweaking modem strings and whatnot.)
I repeat: Why you little…
Qobuz and Bandcamp exist. You can buy drm free music from there. Head over to ! for free options. It’s not that hard.
Try Soulseek, it has just about everything.
I just rip my songs from Spotify. It’s not the highest quality, but it’s easy to find stuff and I wrote a little script to quickly download lists of tracks and albums so it’s pretty convenient.
I rip them from youtube, that way I don’t have to log into anything first.