Every year, we should take the wealthiest person and reclaim 50% of their assets. Congrats, you’ve scum sucked enough blood out of people, we’re taking 50% of it back. We’ll build a “This year’s biggest winner” statue in your honor with some of the funds.
also prevent people from getting that rich in the first place. new tax brackets: 50% for every dollar over a million. 75% for every dollar over 10 mil. 90% over 50mil. and 100% over 100mil. congrats that’s the high score. maxed out.
also make ALL INCOME to count as income, not just direct payment.
There’s like 10 people in the entire fucking world making more than 500 mil a year.
More like 700 in the US alone.
700 people having a net worth of over a billion and 700 people making half a billion a year are very different.
Dividends for some of those billionaires can pay out over 500mil easily. Hide money however they want, we need a wealth tax no matter how it’s sliced.
I’ve been saying it.
Every year, we should take the wealthiest person and reclaim 50% of their assets. Congrats, you’ve scum sucked enough blood out of people, we’re taking 50% of it back. We’ll build a “This year’s biggest winner” statue in your honor with some of the funds.
I like the cut of your jib.
also prevent people from getting that rich in the first place. new tax brackets: 50% for every dollar over a million. 75% for every dollar over 10 mil. 90% over 50mil. and 100% over 100mil. congrats that’s the high score. maxed out.
also make ALL INCOME to count as income, not just direct payment.
Make the size of the statue inversely proportional to the number of people employed by those assets.