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Welcome to the Poilievre Conspiracy Theory Vortex

  • THIS PAST APRIL, far-right radio host and supplement salesman Alex Jones endorsed Pierre Poilievre, noting that he is the “real deal” and “is saying the same things as me.” And by “the same things,” he mostly means the legitimization of conspiracy theories about “globalist elites” and the World Economic Forum.

Poilievre Won’t Talk about Private Health Care—but He Should

  • When asked by The Walrus about his plans vis-à-vis private health care, his team provided a statement that ignored the questions. It mentioned Trudeau and wait times and the difficulties for ­foreign-trained nurses and doctors in having their credentials recognized. The statement vowed to maintain the 2023 deal on health transfers to provinces and territories, in which the federal government committed to investing $198.6 billion in health care over the next decade. But on private care, nada.

Poilievre Has No Economic Platform

  • WITH LESS than a year to go before the writ is expected to drop, Pierre Poilievre’s economic proposals are vague and shallow—and appear likely to stay that way. Though populists from both sides of the aisle tend to galvanize support by arguing the economy isn’t working for everyday people, the left tends to propose precise policy solutions. They promise, for instance, to tax the rich and invest in universal public services. They promise to regulate markets to stop profiteering in basic-need sectors such as nutrition, health care, and housing. They also promise to nationalize natural resources so everyone benefits from them. Say what you will of left-wing populists, but their intentions are clear.
  • Funderpants
    27 days ago

    I do not understand this describing Trudeau as do nothing. Name a file and it doesn’t take very long to come up with things he has done. New upper tax rate, lower income me tax for everyone else, turning Harper’s tax credits for the rich into direct benefits with progressive payouts to help the poor, 0% Federal student loan interest and very generous repayment timeframes, big investments in the EV transition and home heating, cannabis is legal now, 150 water boil advisories lifted, huge investments in affordable childcare brought regulated child are costs way down, I could go on and on and get more and specific but honestly, people are so worked up they don’t remember any of this or they reply with their pet grievance.

    How quickly we as a country forget that these things can be rolled back.