Do you have a habitat re-store close? They are a thrift store for house shit.
Also, if you have an ace hardware, they are a co-op. Helps keep money in your community. Mine started giving me local pricing once they figured out I live a few blocks over. Just wish they had more.
Cancelled my prime earlier this month. Surprised how little I’ve needed it since
How much stuff do you usually order online that you’re surprised by that?
I own a home, so fairly often. My local hardware store died a couple years ago, so it’s been a game of what’s cheaper, Lowe’s, Home Depot, or Amazon.
Do you have a habitat re-store close? They are a thrift store for house shit.
Also, if you have an ace hardware, they are a co-op. Helps keep money in your community. Mine started giving me local pricing once they figured out I live a few blocks over. Just wish they had more.