What, you don’t have a special command to Compare Unsigned values in register C vs result register K? or Floating-point Addition with Parenthesis, so store the value for use on the next cycle?
I still don’t know why this architecture went for a Double XOR as the NOP, I guess they were just flexing that the reference chip design could do both in a single cycle
What, you don’t have a special command to Compare Unsigned values in register C vs result register K? or Floating-point Addition with Parenthesis, so store the value for use on the next cycle?
I still don’t know why this architecture went for a Double XOR as the NOP, I guess they were just flexing that the reference chip design could do both in a single cycle
When returning from kernel code, one should issue Drop Execution Ring Privileges, of course.
Its been in RISC V for decades.