Bullshit. Why cannabis and not just smoking in general? What about users who vape dry herb vs combust it? What about users who consume edibles? This is just propaganda
My immediate thought is that it’s not the action of smoking cannabis causing these cavities, instead…
It’s fairly commonly accepted that habitual cannabis use can lead to demotivation. I’m a very regular dry herb vaper and with exception of a few strains, I have to make a great effort to make sure I do daily tasks when I’m high.
I’d also suggest that ppl who are self medicating due to depression are less likely to brush their teeth twice a day. Finally, perhaps cannabis users are more likely to consume sugary snacks?
In a nutshell, these findings don’t surprise me! But I would be surprised if cannabis was causative and not just a correlated factor.
Bullshit. Why cannabis and not just smoking in general? What about users who vape dry herb vs combust it? What about users who consume edibles? This is just propaganda
Saliva is how your body neutralizes acids in your mouth, and remineralizes your teeth (from the phosphorous and calcium in your saliva).
Weed causes dry mouth, which is a cause of cavities. This effect is also seen in cancer patients, who often have a dry mouth from their treatments.
You could likely counter the effects of dry mouth by using xylitol gum or mints while under its influence.
My immediate thought is that it’s not the action of smoking cannabis causing these cavities, instead…
It’s fairly commonly accepted that habitual cannabis use can lead to demotivation. I’m a very regular dry herb vaper and with exception of a few strains, I have to make a great effort to make sure I do daily tasks when I’m high.
I’d also suggest that ppl who are self medicating due to depression are less likely to brush their teeth twice a day. Finally, perhaps cannabis users are more likely to consume sugary snacks?
In a nutshell, these findings don’t surprise me! But I would be surprised if cannabis was causative and not just a correlated factor.
Study link: https://jada.ada.org/article/S0002-8177(24)00589-0/abstract