A friend gifted me a few hellofresh boxes once and I quite liked the recipes. But I don’t care about subscription services to get overpriced groceries delivered if the supermarket is a 5 minutes walk away.
Is there any collection on the recipes online? At least in Germany, recipes aren’t even copyrighted, so it wouldn’t even be illegal to distribute them here (AFAIK, IANAL).
I’m still wondering if there’s a place where to communally share these recipes, other than importing them on some big recipe platform.
Now I am wondering the same.
And looking down the rabbithole of Tesseract OCR haha.
Python, Tesseract, OpenAI and my 3 remaining brain cells have now combined to form a working script that will rename the scan file names to whatever it reads in a certain section of the card.
Doing them by hand would be a nightmare 😅
Wow, someone needed a project. ;)
Thanks a lot, seriously! ^^