I think it’s a fair point to wrinkle our noses at and scrutinize some if those companies, but we should evaluate the thing, not just who supports it. Many companies will support good efforts, just because it gives them good PR (or a tax write-off). We don’t know what kind of legwork the project founders did to persuade some of those big names (and they have a lot more than just those sponsors on their site.)
That said, I also don’t see any codebase. What is there to inspect and validate? What is “open?” As far as I can tell, as of now, it’s just a $27mil effort with the concept of a plan.
Wow! Pretty much the “who’s who” of companies I don’t trust!
Mozilla’s new logo sucks.
Agreed. I read their debut post on the logo, and I still think it was an unwise change.
At what age is it safe to mainline linux and custom android rom into a child?
Asking for a friend.
I have a 1000% working solution!
You know that plug going to the wall? You just cut 2" off the chord. 2" is all it takes. My kids are no longer interested in staring at the screen all day long.
Instructions unclear, burnt my house down
Oh, yeah, that’s a possibility. If you unplug the chord before cutting, it also reduces the tingling sensation.