You forgot to add a silhouette of Saddam Hussein at the bottom
This is undeniably hilarious, but if you’ve ever seen actual dissection photos or videos of surgery, you kinda recognize that good anatomical drawings required a lot of mental effort to create.
Imagine making a completely accurate diagram of everything in a car’s engine bay, either while the engine is running and it’s doing 70mph down the highway, or after it’s had a head-on collision at the same speed.
What are the bull horns meant to be???
i would wager crus/corpus cavernosum, judging from a modern diagram.
We grow them once a month.
Can’t find Saddam.
I assume that’s him chilling in the middle, looks to have had a shave though
Okay, okay, I can get the internal structures being an unknown.
But damn, could they not have found someone willing to show the artist their cooch? That’s the one part that you don’t have to cut someone open to know what it looks like. I mean, you can, but it’s totally optional, and much messier.
Point is, they could have found some way to trick someone into being a model. Like, “hello ma’am, your shoes are unbuttoned”, then run around behind them, flip their skirts up and take a peek at the very least.
Well dissecting corpses was considered sacrilegis because religious people, but it’s possible that they made it that wrong on purpose. Moral sensibilities are arbitrary and irrational, and in a society where they completely trump all things science, sometimes you got to make some compromises to squeak past the censorship. Honestly it’s not that different today, just in different places.
I’m not sure what dissection of bodies has to do with drawing external genitalia, but yeah, I suppose social mores would explain away the lack of having seen genitals, and/or drawing them badly.