‘wank clown’ is crimininaly under utilised.
Fucking libnozzle.
Is libsucker even an insult?
I’m liking “scumwaffle”; as in you “filthy scumwaffle”
Shut up, dirt hat!
why don’t you say that to my face, dip goblin!
Seems to be missing “hole,” “canoe,” and “whistle.”
This is survivorship bias. You can’t look at the chart for low-use curses. You have to look for what isn’t there, you rhino flossers.
Gonna start uaing Wank Clown, and try to drive its popularity up. That one is totally underrated, idk why I haven’t thought of it
I’m looking for the lighter squares for more innovative-sounding ones. Like Trump Goblin and Scum Wit
Wank clown
Look here bum boy
lib sucker
trump nozzle
wank sucker
lib nozzleWank sucker is not used enough
I’ll choose my own insults, thank you very much, ya big cheese licker. You’re such a lib nozzle. My nana thinks you stole her tweezers. She may have just put them in the knife drawer like last time, but it shows you’re untrustworthy - she’s a great judge of character when she’s more lucid. Wank sucker.
I feel genuinely offended by your crude language. Bravo!
Imma need a screen shot of someone on reddit having posted “dipboy”.
I tried to share this on facebook.
They removed it for “bad language”
i would say use diaspora instead.
but facebook dominates normie space, …and all space ( except alt & tech space . often of an elite flavor)What dipnozzles