I want to block ads and trackers on the whole home network. I’ve been using adblockers and trackers for years now; I currently have a Raspberry Pi. I was thinking of setting up Pi-Hole with AdGuard. Any other suggestions are welcome. (I can’t use a custom router, because my ISP doesn’t allow it)

  • Xanza@lemm.ee
    24 days ago
    Light + TIF                     https://sky.rethinkdns.com/1:AAkACAQA
    Normal + TIF                https://sky.rethinkdns.com/1:AAkACAgA
    Pro + TIF                 https://sky.rethinkdns.com/1:AAoACBAA
    Pro plus + TIF               https://sky.rethinkdns.com/1:AAoACAgA
    Ultimate + TIF              https://sky.rethinkdns.com/1:gAgACABA
    Light + TIF                 https://dns.dnswarden.com/00000000000000000000048  
    Normal + TIF                 https://dns.dnswarden.com/00000000000000000000028  
    Pro + TIF                 https://dns.dnswarden.com/00000000000000000000018  
    Pro plus + TIF               https://dns.dnswarden.com/0000000000000000000000o  
    Ultimate + TIF              https://dns.dnswarden.com/0000000000000000000000804  
    Light                https://freedns.controld.com/x-hagezi-light
    Normal                https://freedns.controld.com/x-hagezi-normal
    Pro                https://freedns.controld.com/x-hagezi-pro  
    Pro plus                https://freedns.controld.com/x-hagezi-proplus  
    Ultimate                https://freedns.controld.com/x-hagezi-ultimate
    TIF                https://freedns.controld.com/x-hagezi-tif

    DNS based adblocking with Hegezi blocklist and TIF (threat intelligence feeds). Works with any device on your network in one way or another (QUIC, DoH/3, DoT, etc) and doesn’t require installing anything. Just changing dns settings.

    This is a great list. Blocks about 95% of all advertisements. About 4% are unblockable due to one reason or another, and the remaining 1% get added very quickly. I highly recommend this solution. Sure, you can setup a PiHole and do it all yourself, but in the end that requires time and attention. It’s the same list, but if you roll PiHole yourself you don’t get access to TIF, which are amazing for protecting you from different kinds of threats.