Dental researchers coated damaged cows’ teeth with an enamel binding peptide and soaked them in a mineral solution to reform their protective outer layer.

    1 month ago

    …the researchers obtained 30 cow teeth and randomly separated them into 3 groups. They demineralized each tooth’s enamel by placing it in a solution containing acetic acid at a pH of 4.5 for 7 to 9 days, mimicking how natural tooth enamel decays. After this process, the scientists coated 2 groups of teeth with the WGNYAYK peptide and left the other group without. They submerged them into a remineralization solution containing monopotassium phosphate and a buffer at a pH of 7. The researchers also added a green dye to the solution that glows brighter the harder the enamel surface becomes. The denser the minerals grew together, the harder the enamel became, and the brighter the teeth glowed.

    The scientists analyzed the teeth soaked in the WGNYAYK peptide solution under a laser microscope. They found that the higher the concentration of peptide solution the teeth had been soaked in, the brighter fluorescent green they glowed. They explained this correlation meant that the peptide and mineral bath combination had partially restored their tooth enamel.

    A long dental visit.