To be clear, I’m quoting the season 1 episode in which Riley, Ed Wuncler III and Gin Rummy try to kidnap Oprah but accidentally kidnap Maya Angelou instead.
Must be confusing it with the thugnifficent episode. Either way. yah, that happened all the time in the 90s and frequently on conservative radio talk shows.
That Boondocks episode I believe was a parody of the Don Imus radio “n” drop.
To be clear, I’m quoting the season 1 episode in which Riley, Ed Wuncler III and Gin Rummy try to kidnap Oprah but accidentally kidnap Maya Angelou instead.
Must be confusing it with the thugnifficent episode. Either way. yah, that happened all the time in the 90s and frequently on conservative radio talk shows.
MF Doom soundtrack, solid action scene, the “Black Power Glove”, kidnapping Bill Cosby
What a great show