I know, I know, the wisest thing to do is to abandon them, but today I came across a site that I simply couldn’t bypass because it always blocked me with an extremely stupid “disable your adblock” video, that infuriated me so much… I would 100% migrate to torrents if I didn’t find such unique catalogs on these sites.
Report it on ublock origins github, gets fixed pretty quickly from my experience
yeah i’ve never seen a nag i couldn’t get around with element picker or custom filter. even the youtube injected ads only lasted a few days.
Ublock > block element
Block third party scripts and third party frames.
Works wonders every time.
I’m disappointed with this spiteful crowd that literally gives the least helpful answer you specifically asked not to receive.
Just click on uBlock Origin and disable scripts for that website, then reload.
A lot of the tips down here (reader mode, archive, NoScript) di just that but with other tools.
This works on desktop on any browser and on Android using Firefox/Fennec.If that doesn’t work, click on uBlock Origin, then on the lightning bolt, then on the pop-up, to delete it.
You may need to repeat these steps a few times until it’s gone.I guess rethinking the browser metaphor could help.
Like who tells you that ads couldnt just be displayed on an invisible popup window? Or a second screen?
Those sites generally detect if you dont load certain content. So I guess cosmetic filtering (downloading but not displaying) could already help
Right, uBlock Origin does have a cosmetic filtering-only option, as well!
I would recommend against it, for your privacy.
I like this idea. It reminds me (a little) of adnauseam.
On iOS, Wipr 2 blocks ads AND overrides “disable your adblocker” things (and autoplaying videos, cookie shit, and tons of other stuff)
Search for the headline on a search engine and read the article elsewhere. Usually these news sites just copy and paste the article and slap a different website name on it.
I create a ublock filter. Out of interest, what exotic media are you trying to find specifically that requires using those sites?
Many sites work best with NoScript because the anti AdBlock is done by JavaScript.
(Of course that doesn’t always work, but when it does, great.)
If you’re using uBO, then you don’t need NoScript. uBO is a media blocker, not an ad blocker, so it is capable of blocking JavaScript per site or globally.
Surprised nobody’s mentioned this: https://reek.github.io/anti-adblock-killer/
Me surprised too, just another boring comment section as if it were reddit. It should be enough when UO gets mentioned once and the other comments’ threads specialize on alternatives e.g. AdGuard Desktop, user scripts, etc. Oh yeah jokes/memes are most important so that stuff gets the most upvotes, another reddit style classic.
Sadly, this is a social media rather than a forum.
Block scripts, using whatever you want to use. I use Brave (queue criticism)
queue criticism
It’s cue.
a signal (such as a word, phrase, or bit of stage business) to a performer to begin a specific speech or action
That last line is your cue to exit the stage.
I assume you were requesting a critique on your comment.
It’s funny that without actually spotting the mistake I just read it as the op expecting multiple criticisms to and basically telling people bringing them to get in line.
Most the sites that have that ‘feature’ usually have a link that says " Continue without disabling adblock" but if I can’t find that I use the next site in my search.
I like to open them in either its own browser or a virtual machines browser. One that wipes it’s cache/tracking/etc each time you exit. Its not great but at least it sandboxes it a bit in an area not connected to any of my other data
Go to uBO’s dashboard, disable scripts, reload. Or just set browser to Reader Mode. Somehow, works over 75% of the time.
Well, if it’s not something I really want to see, I just close it. If I do want to see it, then:
- if I’m on my laptop, I open dev tools and remove the element blocking other interaction
- if I’m on my phone or the above doesn’t work on laptop, I open an anonymous window, disable adblock, read/watch/whatever the content, enable adblock, close anonymous window
I do and same for other kinds of annoyances, like the recent trend of “pay us or give us consent to mine your data”.