Don’t negotiate with terrorists. His words are worthless because he doesn’t honour them. We need to shift pur economy away from the US right the fuck now.
It’s literally just going to be whichever cabinet minister is already in charge of that portfolio. Say what you want about everything else he did as prime minister, but Trudeau has always been able to deal with Trump’s bullshit. Who knew high school drama teach would be such incredibly relevant job experience.
Who knew high school drama teach would be such incredibly relevant job experience.
I’m definitely using that one.
I would’ve rather we had the tariffs to be honest than negotiate with a compulsive liar with no ethics.
Not sure how much negotiating we have done. Nothing was committed to Trump that was not already in progress other than the “Fentanyl Cxar” ( whatever that means ). Probably it means giving that dumb American title to somebody already in charge of the border.
Trump got played.
The responsibility lies with Canadians now to wean ourselves off American products until a friendlier administration gets into office.
It would hurt us, for sure, but I agree. It’s one of many things other countries need to be doing to pick up the void our government is creating on the world stage. Canada needs to look out for Canada at this point and not even pretend to give the OrangeSh*tPile what he needs to say “I won!”
Fentanyl Czar kind of makes it sound like he’s the one in charge of selling it.
It really does.
There’s a new fentanyl king in town. Good luck stopping it now you fuckers.
Keep the liquor bans, keep the tariffs on US products until the 30 days are up. A month of pain to make the point that Canada is not just an economic appendage.
While tempting, such a move would guarantee the trade war actually begins. Ideally, Canada isn’t slammed with tariffs in the first place.
He is wiling to play “I’m gonna fuck you so hard-- just kidding” and Canadian’s don’t have the finances to deal with that every 30 days. A line in the sand that says “we are willing to continue to be your partner but will not tolerate ANY fuckery” is worth a some economic pain as long as it is predictable.
We can do it the olde fashioned way, by not buying American booze. That is my plan.
Totally, most of the beer I drink comes from the GTA and I can make sure all the produce I get comes from Canadian green houses or Mexico.
I have 5 excellent local breweries to choose from here in the Comox Valley, and an embarrassingly rich array of BC beer to choose from. I have a few California wines that truly like but wont be buying them any more. I have a lot of friends and family in that state who are appalled by the behavior of their president, but I will avoid sending my money to the US where I have alternatives.
When somebody says “Fentanyl Czar”
I just imagine someone coked out of their absolute mind.
But they’re the fentanyl Czar, so they’d be doing the nod, and occasionally the Hastings shuffle.
I thought the American border services were responsible for monitoring who and what enters the US from Canada? Surely the US is the one to blame for letting it in?
They’re only responsible unless it’s something like 911 and then they bear no responsibilities whatsoever, according to 2001 TV and news and politicians and newspapers and basically all of American reality at the time
I kinda want that 100% performative job
I’d probably walk around the wilderness near our borders taking daily pictures of Canadian nature and showing that there’s no fentanyl out there.
Of course if I find any I would call it in.
I hope whoever gets the job gets to wear one of those little furry Russian hats
Why Canada? Why? Please keep the tarifs on red states. Please funnel commerce through blue states. Snowflake orange dipshit will screw over anyone but himself and those dumber than him. We need a wakeup call!
They are smart. They are taking the extra 30 days to cut the U.S. out of everything they can. They even said this was the reason they didn’t kick off all of their tariffs for 90 days - to let Canadian companies find alternatives.
Damage to the U.S. has already been done.
Screw it.
Block it all. Block it ALL!!!
I’ve been saying for years (decades?) that we need to stop treating the US like a friend. At the very best, they’re a giant that may roll over in their sleep and crush us.
But now, the US has openly declared (economic) war on us, and Trump still keeps talking about making us the 51st state.
We need to swallow the pain and block the US as much as humanly possible. Ban immigration from the US - including cross-border married couples and asylum-seekers. Visas owned by Americans working in Canada will not be renewed on expiration. Start enforcing CanCon laws again, across all media (esp. streaming platforms). Deny access to Canada for all pro-fascist organizations. Fox News and Newsmax? Gone.
This isn’t about Trump’s stupid tariffs, it’s about what he intends to use them for - leverage to take over Canada. We’ve been too complacent and complicit for too long, but it’s time to stand, united, at our southern border and say “you shall not pass.”
So, you want to punish those our administration is now seeking to persecute by preventing us from seeking a better life in your country? What makes you any better than the OrangeShitStain then? There are those of us who did not ask for this, who did our best to prevent it. There are those of us who will suffer greatly under his regime as he begins his persecutions. Transgender individuals are already being targeted and prevented from getting passports.
Your anger is justified, and I thought a lot about this, but I stand by it.
On September 11 2001, the people of Gander NL opened their hearts and their homes to planeloads of people who couldn’t land in the US. Earlier this year, Canadian firefighters were in California, helping fight the wildfires there. In 1959, Canadian engineers and scientists flocked to the US to help build the fledgling NASA and get to the moon. Who was down helping sort through the wreckage after Katrina, after Milton, after a dozen other natural disasters? That’s right, Canada - your closest ally. In 2016, when Trump was first elected, I offered to sponsor a number of my US friends (made when I was working in California under NAFTA) if they came to Canada as immigrants, asylum-seekers, or refugees.
And make no mistake - the US has had our back almost as reliably, if only because it’s easier to help out when you have ten times the population. You were here last summer helping with our wildfires, as Jasper burned, and we’re beyond grateful.
But now your president - your democratically elected leader - has declared economic war on us, with the explicit intent of taking over our country! It’s more than a slap in the face, it’s an outright assault. And now that Canadians are looking back on the last 80 years or so, we’re realizing that we’ve given up far too much autonomy and identity to our loudmouth friend who just betrayed us.
So I’m sorry, but I’m getting out of this abusive relationship. I’m not standing for it anymore. It’s going to hurt us like hell, but we need to do it to survive as a nation.
This is the thing - if we take in the people who are going to suffer the most, we’re taking in the people with the most incentive to fix your country at all costs. If the only people left are Trump supporters and the other 30% or so who can survive under his regime, then he’ll just get stronger and stronger.
This is a key moment in history. Stay and fight. Defeat the Nazis at home before it’s too late. If you’re willing to give up on your country and doom the rest of the world, then I don’t know what to say.
The US does not have a fentanyl Czar. Our Czar should dictate what US should do to minimize fentanyl deaths (and domestic production), and demonize US inadequacy for making fentanyl a vector to extort Canadian sovereignty. We should not tolerate increased secret police cooperation with US, and use Czar as a “force multiplier” for US evil in world. Czar should DEMAND CDC/US agency data/reports on US failures. Pig fuckers intent on using fentanyl as a pretext for war on Canada, need to be exposed as pig fuckers maximizing domestic US deaths.
There are many measures NA can take to reduce fentanyl deaths that involve alternatives to shit talking China. Fentanyl is a problem exclusive due to overdoses from accidental fentanyl use. Fentanyl is a benefit, hospitals use, as a cheaper opiate dose.
US can do much more to curb opiate addiction including Pharma’s role in bribing doctors for prescriptions, and non opiate pain relief prescriptions. But an opposing easy path to fentanyl deaths is making opiate pills “widely available”, and “encourage cartels” to avoid escalating problems by switching to opiate pills we trust will be quality controlled. If mix of cartel/drug black market coercion/carrots policies, we can also ask them to stop heroin production/smuggling, so that only fentanyl is available on black market.
Classic Trump. Create a problem so that he can “solve” it.
But Canadians are not ready to forgive and forget. Maybe ever.
Weird posture… We will stop fentanyl coming to US… If Canada does that, that poison stays in CA?
That’s like giving a horse dose to a dog lol
I mean we absolutely should keep fent out of our country entirely, that way it won’t get trafficked to the US either. Fuck fentanyl and what it does to people.
HOWEVER, the amount of fentanyl going to the US from Canada is extremely low, almost negligible compared to all the other ways it’s getting into the US. It’s just an excuse to invoke emergency powers so he doesn’t need to go through congress to impose tariffs and can also break the trade agreement that he himself signed. It was never about fentanyl, we’re never going to “solve” the problem in his eyes because the problem he’s claiming we have is almost entirely made up.
He can also keep his neighboring countries from focusing on what he is actually doing within his own by threatening their sovereignty. The threats are serious enough to focus attention away from the very fast and complete gutting of the American government. They took over the god damn Treasury and no one even batted an eye.
Appreciate the context.
Saw fake news a few years back talking about how Chinese were running cn to ca to us…
Propaganda be good lol
I’m more wanting them to keep firearms out of Canada than worrying about the tiny bit going into the US.