Edit: There used to be a screenshot here. I messed up the link in an edit and don’t have a local copy saved.

My comment was roughly 'It already looks like it might be better than things now, at least Biden never advocated for full displacement of all Palestine."

I had already seen half the comment section of the post with ban marks. This single comment copped me a fully-expected permaban. Unfortunately my comment doesn’t show up in modlogs so I had to retype it more or less from memory.

The bloodshed:

Screenshot edited as per mod request.

Most of the banned comments are actually still visible. If you browse the thread you’ll notice there’s nothing particularly inflammatory or banworthy about any of them.

Best part, in the middle of all that banning, our buddy found the time to mod the one guy in that post who supported his opinions. Welp, another echo chamber in the making.

Follow up:

The mod posted in a similar post in this comm. FWIW, while I stand by my actions and opinion, I did msg them to offer them a personal apology.

    1 month ago

    “I can understand and live with whatever decisions the politicos make”.

    You’re just making assumptions and jumping to conclusions. There’s no basis for that extrapolation.

    Remember, the poll didn’t ask anything about whether or not we should be involved in the conflict at all. That means everyone who opposed involvement had to choose one of the three options listed - even isolationists. It’s very fair to say that not everyone who supports isolationism is going to be more sympathetic towards Palestine, in fact, it’s reasonable to say that many of them wouldn’t pay much attention to foreign affairs at all (as in, they care that public funds are going to foreign conflicts but not about the details of those conflicts), and thus might give either the neutral response or the response that they’ve passively absorbed through the media. In the same way, there are probably plenty on isolationists who are more sympathetic to Ukraine than to Russia, and yet still don’t think we should be involved.

    When asked about military aid to Israel, opinions are split, roughly 50-50:

    The half that were opposed had no candidate courting them whatsoever and therefore had more potential to win over, and there are enough of them to be competitive. Instead, the Democrats went chasing after the pro-Israel voters who already had a candidate offering them everything they could dream of. It’s the same story every time the Democrats run right on any issue to try to appeal to “moderate Republicans,” it never works. In fact, there were 34% of Republicans who weren’t happy about military aid to Israel, and if they wanted to appeal to dissatisfied Republicans, those could’ve been a prime target.