Some artists and movements are claiming back the innocent world wide web of 25 years ago, but other experts note that all the current errors already existed back then, and that this nostalgia is preventing us from focusing on finding solutions
lIkE aLl NoStAlGiC eScApIsM, tHe MyTh AbOuT a WoRlD wIdE wEb BeFoRe ThE aGe Of SaRcAsM (aNd ThE dOmInAnCe Of BiG cOmPaNiEs) WhErE eVeRyThInG wAs MoRe SiNcErE aNd SiMpLeR iS a MeLaNcHoLiC tRaP.
lIkE aLl NoStAlGiC eScApIsM, tHe MyTh AbOuT a WoRlD wIdE wEb BeFoRe ThE aGe Of SaRcAsM (aNd ThE dOmInAnCe Of BiG cOmPaNiEs) WhErE eVeRyThInG wAs MoRe SiNcErE aNd SiMpLeR iS a MeLaNcHoLiC tRaP.