I have some issues. I ignore most of them and cry when I want to. Is it healthy? Fuck no. But it keeps me going!

Today I’m soliciting feelings because I’m ultra disappointed that the person I thought wanted to shape their life to be with me, to match the shaping I’ve done to accomodate them, really only wants compromise when it’s mine! Super fun! We were looking at building a life and now I get to figure out how to do the big life goal things I want on my own! Super!

So, beehaw, what’s the most painful relationship thing you’ve been through? Bonus points if it totally upended your life plans. Extra bonus if they said they were “doing it for you”.

  • FoxyFerengi@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    He liked to trigger my ptsd, I dissociate and basically allow anything to happen to me. When I came back to the world he always went over the top with trying to comfort me. Eventually I started trying to escape the relationship, applying to college and I was gifted a service dog. His response was to start following me around the apartment, pointing his gun at my dog or me, sometimes cocking it.

    I had a dramatic escape, and looked over my shoulder for years afterwards. It took four more years for me to start college and buy a house. I actually haven’t had a serious relationship since then, and I think I’m okay with that.