Very good observation. On the high end of that bell curve, there’s Modern Monetary Theory (MMT): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_monetary_theory
Very good observation. On the high end of that bell curve, there’s Modern Monetary Theory (MMT): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_monetary_theory
The thing is, we cross the world to crush someone all the time in the interest of the rich and powerful at home. That’s a full feature of the American system, not a bug.
He’s saying the quiet parts out loud. We’ve been the bad guys for at least 70 some years (end of WWII, start of Korean war), if not longer (Mexican-American War), or even longer (original colonization of the US).
And George Soros being some kind of secret mastermind is also a right wing fever dream.
The funny thing is that so is the idea of Melon Husk being some kind of mastermind.
It’s from all that accordion-playing he does.
Haha, I couldn’t tell! : )
You’re welcome! No problem, I was just curious. Keep at it!
That’s great! Did you intend a specific meaning for it?
Well, I was just jesting about Trump, not directing it at you.
But if you want me to break down what I meant, it was in a general sense of “Trump” as in the current president as the subject and “laser-focused” as an adjective for him, similar to how you used it in the post I was replying to. My point being that the man is completely incapable of being laser-focused. Neither of your follow-up examples fit that.
I hope that clarifies. : )
“Trump” and “laser-focused”… most clashing words ever used in one sentence.
So do I. I see voting/electoral reform as the only hope of change short of a literal revolution.
I never thought they would. They would have to be forced to do it by voter initiatives/referenda, like has happened in various cities and states so far, usually with resistance by one or both parties.
I can understand the sentiment. The problem as I see it is that the political duopoly in the US has a complete death grip on the electoral system. One of the very few ways that that can be loosened is via alternative voting methods like ranked-choice, approval, star voting, etc. That’s why if I spend any energy in politics in the future it will be to push these alternatives.
Yeah, that’s how I do it too. Although some instances don’t seem to block it, you would have to find out which, and that may be difficult to find.
From a politician’s standpoint, it would be scorched earth. Think about it from his perspective: what would that have accomplished? It certainly wouldn’t have ended the DNC as previous DNC email scandals hadn’t. It would have made his fans even more loyal, but would have pissed the rest of the democratic party apparatus. He would have said goodbye to any and all opportunities for being in committees and any cooperation from establishment democrats from then on, possibly have had an intense primary challenge afterward. A lot of libs still blame him for Hillary losing to Trump, even though he didn’t do anything questionable. It was all lose no gain from his perspective.
I agree he’s not president material, but because he’s too old to win now (even though he’s still sharper than either Biden or Trump when they won their elections).
I totally understand why they would do it. I don’t understand why or how they block the NSFW instances without them appearing in the list of blocked instances.
lemmynsfw appears to be blocked secretly on lemm.ee. It’s not listed under blocked instances there, but I can’t see any posts from lemmynsfw there either. There must be some other mechanism that’s available besides blocking instances in the open.
I hear you, but Bernie was in what, his mid-70s, and had pretty much always played by the book as far as I know. Even though I was somewhat disappointed in him after having not only given money but also canvassed for him, several times, I didn’t really expect him to go scorched-earth.
Weird. Then either our instances are secretly blocking it, not through defederation, or there’s some other mysterious technical reason for it.
Please, multiple studies were done about the causes of the recent wave of inflation and they determined that the vast majority of it was a result of greedy corporations taking the opportunity to boost their profits.
Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_monetary_theory