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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


  • I totally agree with you that systemic failures require a systemic evaluation to figure out what actually happened. Most of the jobs I’ve worked have been as an analyst of one kind or another, so I of course know that many things do not have quick answers.

    So yes technically I should have added some kind of qualifier, but you seem to get that I mean that common, routine job functions or system functions pretty much always should have fairly simple explanations as to why something routine happens or does not.

    So, it takes me a while to do a root cause analysis of a quarter or years worth of one kind of failure in a complex process or another, but I very rarely have to manually investigate some specific totally unknown thing in person, as the system is (or should) be designed in such a way that tbis stuff is tracked and easily analyzed.

    Contrast that with: Why isn’t the report released yet?

    Oh, because a data set I need access to is offline right now, or some dumbass changed the access creds without informing me prior, I emailed them a week ago, and they have not responded.

    That is a simple answer.

  • Its no problem!

    We are all constantly berated by so many forms of dishonesty that it can be easy to mix them up.

    Another post i responded too a few days ago had a significant number of people explaining to them the difference between gaslighting and guilt tripping.

    But yeah, weasel words are a way of intelligent people lying as you say.

    It’s basically the art of constructing some kind of way to wiggle out of some kind of position you held or thing you promised to do by being just vague or non commital, giving unspecified qualifiers, or using technical jargon or equivocating contextual word meanings such that you can technically not have lied or reversed course, in a possible future scenario.

    Trump is just blatantly bullshitting.

    Imagine if Trump had said:

    Oh yeah, I don’t support all of what Planned Parenthood does, some of it is ridiculous and abysmal, but hey they’re good people and I hope they succeed.

    Its contradictory, vague and just means nothing. Its like the paradox of meeting two people where one says ‘B always lies’ and the other says ‘A is telling the truth.’

    The only thing possible to discern is that neither A nor B are totally truthful, thus, extending the analogy, the seemingly contradictory statement is not trustworthy to actually mean anything.

    The multiple parts of the stated information just make no sense when taken in totality.

    If anyone said something like that online in a forum, it would pretty quickly be determined that they are either quite stupid, actually some kind of insane, or trolling/ragebaiting.

  • Those aren’t even the weasel words.

    Weasel words are ‘Some of what they are doing is bad’.

    ‘I support blah and blah within reasonable guidelines.’

    ‘We must pursue blah blah to the greatest extent possible.’

    This is just two-faced insane bullshit.

    Doing a 180 about face in about a minute isn’t weaseling, it isn’t being less than totally clear, less than totally committed to a particular policy, unwilling to specifically define where you draw a line.

    Its just fucking bold faced lying.

  • Same double talk as with not knowing what QAnon is and then using their stupid lingo, same double talk as Proud Boys stand back and stand by, same double talk as I’d release the Epstein Files but not as much, only somewhat, because some of it is lies.

    Anyway, cheers to Greenland becoming the next US overseas territory, nuking a hurricane, removing the income tax and replacing it with a gigantic tariff, restarting nuclear testing and I guess pulling support from Ukraine, blowing up NATO, and everyone dying in the next pandemic.

    Fucking clownworld we live in.

  • I pushed a button and elected him to office and uh

    He pushed a button and it dropped a bomb

    You pushed a button and could watch it on the television

    Those motherfuckers didn’t last too long, ha-ha

    I’m sick of hearing about the haves and the have-nots

    Have some personal accountability

    The biggest problem with the way that we’ve been doing things is

    The more we let you have, the less that I’ll be keeping for me

    Well, I used to stand for something

    Now I’m on my hands and knees

    Traded in my God for this one

    And he signs his name with a capital T

    Don’t give a shit about the temperature in Guatemala

    Don’t really see what all the fuss is about

    Ain’t gonna worry 'bout no future generations and uh

    I’m sure somebody gonna figure it out

    Don’t try to tell me how some power can corrupt a person

    You haven’t had enough to know what it’s like

    You’re only angry 'cause you wish you were in my position

    Now nod your head because you know that I’m right, alright

    Well, I used to stand for something

    But forgot what that could be

    There’s a lot of me inside you

    Maybe you’re afraid to see

    Well, I used to stand for something

    Now I’m on my hands and knees

    Traded in my God for this one

    And he signs his name with a capital T

  • Yeah, wtf do they mean ‘they don’t know how?’.

    The TSA is probably the only employer in America worse than Boeing when it comes to employees giving a shit about doing their jobs and actually doing them well.

    Both organizations promote incompetent ass kissers over those who actually give a shit, and both orgs also have a massive culture of making up excuses for why something that was supposed to happen did not.

    Oh right, both also have absurd amounts of paperwork that ‘ensures’ policy was followed, but seeing as everyone hates you if you actually try to keep up with it, most people just focus on a few main things and sign off on anything.

  • My parents forced me to watch it I think right before I entered my teens, in theatre.

    They had not even noticed that after the flogging scene, I started crying, vomiting and having a panic attack and walked out of the theatre, just sat outside the theatre, sobbing after being completely fucking traumatized after a Christian childhood up to that point not being allowed to curse, show any kind of disrespect to anyone, having been utterly kept from anything anywhere near that viscerally violent.

    Again, they didn’t even realize I was gone until the movie was over.

    Can you guess that I don’t talk to my parents any more, they probably think I am dead, and I hope they do actually believe I am dead?

  • When I was a kid, my mom told me stories about working as a receptionist for a hospital, back when they used pneumatic tubes to deliver messages and computers were basically 8 colors at most.

    A drunk father burst into the ER holding one screaming child in front of him with both arms, with another child in tow, sobbing.

    A bunch of the the held kid’s fingers had been blown off.

    My mom never told me if they managed to reattach the fingers. I’m guessing not.

    She did tell me what had caused this to occur:

    This guy thought it would be a fun thing to get a bunch of m80s, get in his car, with his kids, and drive down the highway, drinking, whilst lighting and chucking m80s willy nilly.

    At one point, one of the kids opened their window, and woops, one of the m80s flew back into the car.

    It wasn’t even the 4th of July.

    Later as an older kid, I loved fireworks, but respected them.

    Always had a nearby source of water, always wore sunglasses and ear plugs, always chuck something handheld if you think you lit it, but you aren’t sure, basically always follow the instructions, and even then sometimes they are crap, so always have some kind of ditch or cover to hide in/behind.

    I do not understand how stupid you have to be to mix drinking and explosives or drinking and guns or drinking and driving, sadly, probably the majority of people I’ve met in my life have no problem with doing at least one of those.

  • I mean, I agree with you that most military leaders and soldiers would not do this.

    But your own example kind of shows the likely strategy:

    What did Hitler do? What did Stalin do?

    Fire or banish or kill enough leaders until you get ones that will listen to you, and re orient your troop pools so that you have a decent number of whole units that are ideologically aligned and thus likely to comply.

    Trump’s entire modus operandi, now crystalized in extreme detail with Project 2025, has been figure out a way to replace everyone who is not an ideologically aligned stooge willing to literally break existing laws to carry out the whims of the God Emperor, at literally every level of government.

    I obviously cannot know that this would be successful or in what timeframe.

    I can only look to history for many examples of similar things occuring, and see more and more checked boxes making this more likely.

    I’m sure the militaries of many other coup’d countries are told not to follow illegal orders, and I’m also sure that many in our modern military and time would resist, perhaps even violently as Stauffenberg did.

    But the trend is looking astonishingly bad.