there have been some twats i’ve had the privilege of getting to know that were downright life afirming
there have been some twats i’ve had the privilege of getting to know that were downright life afirming
Trolling Russia : Priceless
he was in on this, couldn’t matter less now that trump has the keys
they do say pick your poison
hahahahahaha this after musk and his merry men installed every backdoor known to man and beast alike
Hey Mods, if Hitler was President would you censor anything calling to rise up and harm him too before or after The Holocaust? Just asking questions here.
I think you might be on to something
It’s quaint you think they’ll be any sort of election that could possibly see Trump’s MAGA party losing … literally anything ever again. It’s also fun that you think there are enough states to hold a Constitutional Convention. You are living in dreamland my friend, there was a choice, and we made it on November 6th, a binary choice between Democracy and Fascism, and not enough Democrats bothered to vote, and now, now it’s all over
I have an answer for that, nothing happens, protests which are put down with the full might and force of the United States Armed Services Posse Commitatus be damned. That’s what happens. I mean, if anyone was at all confused about any of this, after Trump’s first go around, their brains weren’t fully formed, which is why the rest of us on the Left were aghast at all the people saying they weren’t going to vote for Kamala, we knew without a shaddow of doubt there’d be no Democracy left to vote for after he got to sit in the big chair ever again. And now it’s coming to pass.
an experience. molecules experience fire. you are viewing the experience. is everybody in. is everybody innnnnn.
yeah, ok, but what does that mean, i mean, what does anyone expect is going to happen to him if he just … i dunno, stops paying them
If you’re really old school, McDonalds used to give out coffee stirrer spoons.
bean and bread sticks, bread sticks and beans, a finer dinner combo you never have seen
Sure Capitalism is Cancer except for your know it’s better than Feudalism, and any the length and breadth of the sins of Communism which have been attempted in the real world, corruption, tyranny, human rights abuse, and genocide (Stalin killed 20 million human being all by himself under the mantle of the USSR), so, until you’ve got something which will work better, it’s the Cancer we manage.
If you think Communism wouldn’t be raping the earth as Capitalism is, you really haven’t spent any time studying Communism which uses ever bit as many resources as Capitalism.
If you’re speaking about Aspirational Communism, that being Communism which “you know hasn’t really ever been attempted in earnest before, not really you know”, then you’re talking about fairy tales of the world to come, and we need that just about as we do another form of Christianity.
masks off now
Removed by mod
shuttup or they’ll start posting fuckin beans again
No. When Trump says something, about anything at all, whether it’s the truth, or a lie, a group of somebody’s somewhere, completely unrelated by tied inexorably to the fallout from it, is about to die.
Anonymous is going to attack the American people’s infrastructure?