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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2024


  • The media itself is a fucking mess.

    Take this, for example:

    So a self-affirmed victim sends an email to a magazine. That email becomes a point of fact even though people involved either never confirmed it or straight up said it never happened.

    This happens constantly. “News” is getting reported before or without confirmation. Shoot first, ask questions later, maybe put a blurb at the bottom a couple weeks later when nobody will read it correcting everything that was wrong.

    Obviously the Clinton’s wouldn’t confirm it, but they’ve long since learned not to deny it either. Denying is nearly as bad as confirming, since it gives even a little more credibility to the claims, just by acknowledging its existence. Especially in this current political climate, commenting at all has nothing to gain and everything to lose.

    Highly recommend the book “Trust me, I’m Lying”. News consumers have to do their due diligence now and actually judge the sources of the news itself, even for sources previously thought to be reputable. The court of public opinion is all that matters, and it’s judged by old and new media alike. Spez and Musk and Zuck are all as powerful as Murdoch, and they’re the Supreme Court of Public Opinion.

    And then you have shit like the Internet Research Agency flooding the docket.

  • That’s cool and all…but hydrogen isn’t an energy source, not the way we use it…it’s more like a battery. And we have battery powered ovens now.

    The hard part of current tech is making recharging the battery economical given that there will be a significant loss.

    The even harder part of hydrogen, though, is storing and transport. Hydrogen atoms are real small. Anything you put it in will leak, and that impacts the recharge efficiency, as well.

  • I’m not saying it’s not necessary. It is.

    Modern Dems don’t shoot first. Something extreme has to happen but executing sitting justices is probably plan C or D. They are no doubt going to try to win and be right (as far as playing by the old rules will allow) first, and if they even try to toe the line of the dark side, it will be a Hail Mary at the last minute. Likely in the buyers remorse/lame duck period.

    Edit: Dems see it as the nuclear option that it is. Republicans see it as a bubble-hearth with no cooldown.

  • I bought this like, prepared meal thing. It was like curry or something. Packaged, shelf stable. It harked on eco-friendly packaging. I figured, I’ve gotten curry before that was in a foil bag which I assume is easily recyclable. Probably something like that, right?

    Every component was individually plastic wrapped. Even the bowl. Except for the bamboo “spoon”. That was wrapped in paper. I put “spoon” in quotes because it was vaguely spoon shaped and functioned more like an oat from a rowboat.

    Like, was this just a piss poor attempt at green washing?

  • I’m not sure if you’re agreeing with me or not. I’m not even really sure what I’m agreeing with.

    I said that because the impeachments were fully along party lines. If a major party won’t hold its own members accountable, then the whole charade falls apart.

    That was the only option, and I’m sure Pelosi et al knew the outcome long before they started it, but it still had to be done. Unfortunately it was far, far too late.

    Edit oh I understand now. I totally misinterpreted what you were saying and I don’t know how. Yes. Well…I wouldn’t say fox just reporteds lies and propaganda. Their “news” is, however, is consistently incomplete and heavily opinionated.

  • Honestly, the only problem I really have with Biden is superficial, and it’s mostly because most other people are superficial.

    This election can only be won by breaking apathy. That takes a confident and strong speaker. Apathetic voters don’t watch the news every day. They don’t know what Biden is up to. But debates are like the Superbowl of politics, and even is they don’t watch the whole game, they won’t be able to avoid the highlights.

    That performance did not inspire confidence. He was meek and paled next to Trump’s booming confident voice. Doesn’t matter that he was spewing shit, he sounded good doing it.

    Could you imagine Obama doing that? Or Bill Clinton? Hell no. Those guys were popular because they had confidence. They oozed it, but not at the point where they appear arrogant.

    Bidens strategy should have been to turn off his speaker whenever Trump talked and just guessing what he said and rebutting that. You can’t counter his every point, it takes far more work to dismantle a lie than it is to make one.

    I know Biden is smart, I know he’s a skilled politician and I know that he’s got a hell of a staff and cabinet. And ultimately that’s really the biggest criteria for an administration.

    I wouldn’t mind him tapping out and calling in a pitch hitter though. A stronger and more confident candidate, with Bidens endorsement, could take it. Bernie, but younger. Obama, but white (anything else is sadly a non-starter for too many purple states). Bill, but less pervy. That’s what will win the election.