A decent view of Trudeau’s thinking on a few popular issues in case you care to know.
Nate is an LPC MP from TO. He was the runner up candidate for OLP’s last leadership election.
His bitch ass still hasn’t delivered on voting reform. He seems like a nice enough human being but I have the luxury to vote NDP and not waste my vote and I’m absolutely going to do so.
There’s a part on that. It was … informative and unfortunate.
I wish I had that luxury. 😄 I guess we’ll see how numbers move in my riding by the time the election is called. Maybe NDP’s viability would increase.
I abhor with every fibre of my being having to vote strategically. The last 2 federal elections I haven’t had to … it was NDP across the board. This time I’ll have to go back to it and it pisses me off.
Democracy my ass.
ABC baby! A.k.a “democracy my ass”
I mean, this is why Trudeau would prefer ranked choice voting.
If only he’d kept his promise then.
Grumbly noises
This is interesting. It’s almost like, there’s other mechanism/s driving polarisation, not the voting system in use.
The interview was good, I thought. Obviously, not an unbiased interviewer, but good insight from both of them on several important topics.
The YouTube comments, on the other hand, are vitriolic. It’s more popular to punch down on trans kids, apparently. Sad.
It looks like the comment section has attracted the Fuck Trudeau crowd. There’s very little discussion of substance on what was said.
Here there is though!
Wouldn’t be surprised if an MP’s youtube channel gets the same bots that every CBC post ever made gets