Can the “both parties are the same” crowd explain how the Democrats do shit like this?
WTF is wrong with these people
Land of the free indeed
texas: “home of the coward”
Identifying as a Republican marks you as a coward, a sycophant, and a fascist.
Fuck you from an actual Texan.
Another Texan here. Even though this bill (hopefully) has little chance to be passed into law, do our legislators have nothing better to do than moan about a tiny percentage of the population of which don’t cause any harm to others??
It’s easy to rally the majority against a minority. Great method of consolidating power and robbing your followers blind.
Identifying as a Republican should carry that sentence instead. What a bunch of hateful cunts…
Howdy Arabia.
Jailing people who make you feel icky is called FREEDOM!
Shouldn’t even be up for a vote. Sickening.
“Filed last week by Republican state Rep. Tom Oliverson” — district 130, looks like NW edge of Houston area.
Fortunately a bill like this is unlikely to ever be referred out of committee. The Texas House is where legislation goes to die. They haven’t even passed a budget yet, or figured out what they’re doing with school vouchers, both of which must be passed before they can even start considering anything else