Liberal - if you appear racist, etc, I will say so.
Conservative - if you disagree with my worldview, I will harass you, pass laws that force you to live like I think you should, dictate what you can do with your body, how you will raise your kids, and what books will be in the schools that all of our tax dollars pay for.
“Waaaaah, liberals won’t tolerate intolerance! 😭”
I say this as a left-leaning person, I think Liberals do have a tendency to tear anybody down at the slightest whiff of even potential unintended non-political correctness. “Oh, you misused the terms ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ in the point you were trying to make?” or “You’re attempting to say anything mildly critical about women or minorities?” or even just people having legitimate misunderstandings about issues will cause them to get accused of some flavor of -ism. Granted, Conservatives seem to go out of their way to be blatantly ignorant fucktards, but I think even fellow Liberals and middle-of-the-roaders aren’t spared from this treatment.
I really don’t understand what Liberal means in an American context. I’m a certified anarchist myself, hang out with left leaning folks from all walks of life, some very moderate, some more radical than I am and I never heard these types of comments and attacks. I sincerely don’t get it. Is it some kind of Twitter trend I’m too lemming to understand? Are America and Europe so different? Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for calling out racists and sexists, but I don’t think I’ve seen those terms being applied to people for frivolous or far fetched reasons.
This tbh. The criticism of how the left behaves in aggregate is probably valid.
It’s one of the reasons the left is less politically successful, this kind of excessive ‘call-out’ behaviour tends to cause groups to endlessly divide and fight one another (at least it’s consistent)
The right on the other hand tends to form ranks, far more hypocritical but better for mobilising large groups of people behind a common cause.
It’s one of the reasons the left is less politically successful, this kind of excessive ‘call-out’ behaviour tends to cause groups to endlessly divide and fight one another (at least it’s consistent)
I’m glad at least some people understand this. I grew up in a small farming community in Middle America. I was as left as they come, in my town. Always fought (in the literal sense) racism, bullying, sexism, saw no problem with people doing whatever they wanted to do and being who they wanted to be, this was in the late 90s and early 2000s. None of my opinions aligned with the majority of my peers or my family, and when young was called satanic for being pro-choice, anti-controlling people, pro-do whatever makes you happy as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else. I only had a few friends, all outcasts. Today they’re all happily out of the closet. Edit: 1 is straight, maybe, has only ever had 1 girlfriend.
Now as an adult living in the biggest blue city in a red state I have found myself becoming more conservative in some ways, having more conservative friends. In large part due to the unwillingness of many to discuss serious issues without having a falling out over some relatively minor difference of opinion in the grand scheme of things, like not all Republicans being evil racist rednecks who just want to watch the world burn. Most of my family and many good-hearted associates voted Republican in 2016 because it’s what was on the ticket.
I used to proudly call myself a liberal but wouldn’t dare anymore. I’m sure someone will not read the whole comment and swing in here to tell me that’s good, that I’m just a Republican at heart and there must be a deeper reason for this, and to not let the door hit myself on the way out – amplifying my point.
You are who you vote for and Republicans simply vote for shitty people.
Emotionally intelligent people can grow from criticism. You obviously can’t.
It doesn’t make you Republican but it does make you incredibly weak character wise.
Okay bud. Growing from criticism as in falling in line? Like I did in my youth, that caused me to become ostracized? You know nothing about me, I’m more critical of myself than most are of others, and always happily welcome valid criticism.