Average working time of German men is 43,27 hours, as compared to 34,63 hours worked by women, constituting a 20% difference. Men are also found to be more likely to take blue-collar jobs that are commonly more dangerous and physically demanding.

However, women are more likely to cite family obligations as the reason for choosing part-time work, suggesting more unpaid home labor compared to men.

Interestingly, the reasons for overtime work may also differ between genders: men are more likely to get additional hours to boost income, while women are more likely to step in for colleagues.

  • Zachariah@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I’m glad this was mentioned. It’s probably that they’re working the same number of hours.

    However, women are more likely to cite family obligations as the reason for choosing part-time work, suggesting more unpaid home labor compared to men.