this rootless Python script rips Windows Recall’s screenshots and SQLite database of OCRed text and allows you to search them.
Please go through the FAQ section of the git project. It’s an eye-opener.
Q. Does this enable mass data breaches of website?
A. Yes. The next time you see a major data breach where customer data is clearly visible in the breach, you’re going to presume company who processes the data are at fault, right? But if people have used a Windows device with Recall to access the service/app/whatever, hackers can see everything and assemble data dumps without the company who runs the service even being aware. The data is already consistently structured in the Recall database for attackers. So prepare for AI powered super breaches. Currently credential marketplaces exist where you can buy stolen passwords — soon, you will be able to buy stolen customer data from insurance companies etc as the entire code to do this has been preinstalled and enabled on Windows by Microsoft.
It’s worst than that (as bad as this is)…
Today getting some data on a user is bad as smart hackers can put together the context … However any guessing the hacker has to do may alert the user before the hacked data can successfully be exploited
Now, a hacker would know exactly where each password goes and worse, they’d could learn the entire workflow of internal systems to successfully imitate a trained user…
This means the hacker could use the stolen bank data and legitimately issue credit cards to anyone they want (for example)
It’s no longer “we’ll expose some data”, now it’s “we can use this data to infiltrate your systems and wreak havoc in whatever way we want”
In a hilarious and infuriating side note, MS is obviously doing their absolute best to blame-shift here.
It’s code. It’s a project someone made to graphically illustrate and demonstrate, in the wild, why the entire concept of MS Recall is an absolutely awful, foundationally-flawed idea. It is not a “hacker tool”. The MS c-suite and board members are just pissed that stock go down as a result of their stupidity, and they’re looking for people to blame who aren’t themselves.
Where is the blame shifting? The article says they made no comment and the only MS quotes are just random pr feature blurbs
Dude the headline:
this hacker tool
It’s absolutely not a “hacker tool”. It’s a proof of concept. It’s just code. The author and/or editor is leaning on ingrained negative kneejerk reactions from less knowledgeable members of the general public towards the term “hacker”.